Unfortunately all content is not available as internet play. The earlier journalist job contracts only covered cable tv broadcasting. The clips that are not available on internet may still be watched on demand in the cable network.
Some on demand videos may contain strong language and other material that is not suited for everybody.
Duration: 00:18:57 Published: 1.01.1990 (over 26 years ago)OUBS-ohjelma.Authors:
Comments: 0 -
Twist and Shout OUBS Style
Duration: 00:02:43 Published: 1.01.1989 (over 27 years ago)Authors:
Comments: 0 -
OUBS Parhaat - Osa I
Duration: 00:24:00 Published: 1.01.1989 (over 27 years ago)Authors:
Comments: 0 -
Päätoimittajan haastattelu
Duration: 00:10:03 Published: 1.01.1989 (over 27 years ago)OUBS:n uuden päätoimittajan haastatteluAuthors:
Comments: 0 -
OUBS Parhaat - Osa II
Duration: 00:23:35 Published: 1.01.1989 (over 27 years ago)Authors:
Comments: 0 -
OUBS & Otahuuto gallup
Duration: 00:05:10 Published: 1.01.1988 (over 28 years ago)OUBS gallup. Näitkö mainoksen?Authors: Ebe, Peke, Artsi
Comments: 0 -
Oubs esittelähetys syksy -88
Duration: 00:18:07 Published: 1.01.1988 (over 28 years ago)lähetysAuthors: Kirsi, Ebe
Comments: 0 -
Toimittajat 1988
Duration: 00:13:04 Published: 1.01.1988 (over 28 years ago)Oubsin toimittajien esittelyAuthors: Peke
Comments: 0 -
Oubs esittelylähetys kevät -88
Duration: 00:24:43 Published: 1.01.1988 (over 28 years ago)lähetysAuthors: Pekka, Friba
Comments: 0 -
OUBS Tukholmassa
Duration: 00:33:42 Published: 1.01.1987 (over 29 years ago)OUBS vierailee TukholmassaAuthors:
Comments: 0