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Unfortunately all content is not available as internet play. The earlier journalist job contracts only covered cable tv broadcasting. The clips that are not available on internet may still be watched on demand in the cable network.

Some on demand videos may contain strong language and other material that is not suited for everybody.

  • NoticeNo programs found. Suggest your idea to the staff, please!
  • Makingofluksusta_oubs2005

    Making of Luksusta

    Duration: 00:04:54 Published: 29.03.2005 (about 11 years ago)
    Käydään kulissien takana katsomassa ohjelman tekoa.
    Authors: Johannes Aalto, Topi Sikanen
    Comments: 0
  • Assembly2004_oubs2004

    Assembly 2004

    Duration: 00:07:58 Published: 15.09.2004 (over 11 years ago)
    Assembly 2004 reportaasi.
    Authors: Heikki Niiranen, Tapio Hirvikorpi
    Comments: 0
  • Rantaleijona1_oubs2005

    Rantaleijona Osa 1

    Duration: 00:03:02 Published: 15.01.2005 (about 11 years ago)
    Varusteiden hankinta kuntoprojektiin
    Authors: Topi Sikanen, Heikki Niiranen
    Comments: 0
  • Mufflerwhatsthedeal_oubs2007

    Muffler - Whats The Deal

    Duration: 00:04:30 Published: 12.10.2007 (over 8 years ago)
    Muffler - Whats The Deal music video
    Authors: Aleksanteri Kulvik, Harri Häivälä, Maria Viitanen, Marja Ruuska, Markku Antikainen, Olli Jarva, Ville Ilmonen
    Comments: 3
  • Nato.mielenosoitus_oubs2010

    NATO mielenosoitus

    Duration: 00:05:54 Published: 4.03.2010 (about 6 years ago)
    NATO:n kokous järjestettiin Helsingissä 4.3. samoin myös mielenosoitus.
    Authors: Heikki Lindroos, Seppo Erviälä
    Comments: 2
  • Gravitaatio.mmx_oubs2010

    Gravitaatio MMX

    Duration: 00:03:31 Published: 3.03.2010 (about 6 years ago)
    Laskiaistiistain jatko kekkerit The Circus klubilla. Klipissä taltioidut tunnelmat tapahumasta.
    Authors: Heikki Lindroos, Inka Puu, Marika Miinalainen, Matti Aalto-Setälä, Niilo Remes, Petteri Häkkinen
    Comments: 0
  • Mafia10_oubs2003

    Mafia: osa 10 - Johnin paluu

    Duration: 00:02:56 Published: 4.12.2003 (over 12 years ago)
    Johnny paluu. Mafia organisoi murskaavan koston.
    Authors: Tero Heikkinen, Emma Nurmi, Mikko Jouhtio, Jaakko Häme, Pertti Nykänen, Jaakko Siiskonen
    Comments: 0
  • Remonttirane-screeninkimpussa_oubs2006

    Remontti Rane - rakentaa skreenin

    Duration: 00:06:12 Published: 2.11.2006 (over 9 years ago)
    Remontti Rane rakentaa skreenin. Musiikki: Kitkaliitto!
    Authors: Antti Kokkola, Harri Häivälä, Vesa Rajala
    Comments: 1
  • Mosterzoku-namshubofenki-in-finland_oubs2007

    Namshub of Enki & Monster Zoku in Finland

    Duration: 00:09:31 Published: 8.03.2007 (about 9 years ago)
    Interview and few music videos :)
    Authors: Harri Häivälä
    Comments: 0
  • Ayyeiltakoulu24.9.2009.2_oubs2009

    AYYE Iltakoulu 24.9.2009. Osa 2.

    Duration: 00:46:29 Published: 23.09.2009 (over 6 years ago)
    AYY Edustajiston iltakoulu 24.9.2009. Osa 2. Kuvattu Lämpömiehenkuja 2:ssa, Otaniemessä. Aiheina: johtoryhmäpaneeli, asumisohjesääntö, johtoryhmän palkkiot, Lämpömiehenkujan tilaesittely.
    Authors: Heikki Lindroos, Inka Puu, Niilo Remes, Toni Aaltonen
    Comments: 0

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What is OUBS?

Otaniemi Underground Broadcasting System was founded in 1983 as the cable-tv channel of Student Union of Helsinki University of Technology (TKY) (later Aalto University Student Union (AYY)).

In addition to broadcasting 24h in Otaniemi cable network, all content is available on the website. OUBS had a staff of seven people working in the basement of Jämeräntaival 1. The studio and edition facilities were located in the same address with the dorm housing.

AYY replaced OUBS with Student Media Aate on the 31.5.2011. Aate operated only for less than two years before it got closed as well. Now OUBS ry continues from where Aate left off.

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